Generic Clomid (Clomiphene citrate) 25/50/100mg


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Generic Clomid (Clomiphene citrate) 25/50/100mg

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Categories: Drugs, Health, Pharmacy

Learn about the potential side effects of Generic Clomid, including hypersensitivity, hepatic and renal issues, uterine bleeding, and contraindications during pregnancy.


Anovulatory infertility (ovulation induction), dysfunctional uterine bleeding, amenorrhea (disgonadotrop form, secondary, post contraceptive) galactorrhea (on the background of the pituitary tumor), polycystic ovaries (Stein syndrome – Leventhal), Chiari- Frommel syndrome, androgenic failure, oligospermia, for the diagnosis of pituitary gonna drop function violations.


  • From hypersensitivity: allergic reactions, rash, swelling.
  • From hepatic-renal failure: impaired liver and kidney function.
  • From uterine bleeding: unexplained bleeding, abnormal menstrual patterns.
  • From ovarian cyst: pelvic pain, possible complications.
  • From pituitary issues: hormonal imbalances, irregularities.
  • From pregnancy: contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, including suspected pregnancy.

Side effects

  • On the part of the nervous system and sense organs: headache, dizziness, depression, increased fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, violation of sight.
  • On the part of the gastrointestinal: nausea, vomiting.
  • On the part of the digestive system: an increase in cystic ovaries, dysmenorrhea, violations of pregnancy.
  • Others: blood flows, the increase in body weight, lower abdominal pain in the chest, testicles (men), hyperthermia, reversible loss of hair, skin allergic reactions.Interaction: Compatible with releasing hormone drugs.
  • Overdosage: Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, sight disturbances, stomach ache.
  • Treatment: symptomatic therapy.

Dosing and dose

Inside. To stimulate ovulation to appoint 1 of 50 mg once a day before bedtime, starting with 5 – the first day of the menstrual cycle within 5 days (in the absence of the cycle – at any time), if there is no effect (ovulation does not occur within 30 days), increasing the dose to 100 mg/day or a course, lengthened to 10 days.

Heading dose should not exceed 750 mg. The offensive ovulation determined by the presence of two-phase basal temperature, the average cyclical raise LG products, increased levels of serum progesterone during the middle phase of probable or luteinization in women with menstrual hemorrhage amenorrhea.

If ovulation occurred, but no pregnancy occurred, the course should be repeated. If held after ovulation no menstrual bleeding should take into account a possible pregnancy. Men appoint 50 mg 1-2 times a day for 3-4 months (requires systematic monitoring spermatogramma).


Before and during treatment requires constant surveillance gynecologist should check ovarian function, exercise vaginal study, observe the phenomenon of “pupil”, etc. If you raise the ovaries or their transformation cystic treatment with clomifene suspended until normalization of the ovaries.

Therapies are continued with the use of minimal doses or shorten the period of treatment. Against the backdrop of treatment are encouraged to monitor liver function. It also influences mental and physical reactions.


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